IBIScontrol for Android makes it possible to control IBIS, cash desk and ticket printer in OMSI 2 (by Aerosoft) on your smartphone or tablet.
-Dashboard with speed, door control, control for lights, temperature, next stop, stop request etc.
Supported maps:
Supported busses:
- All default busses
- O520 (alterr)
- O530 (alterr)
- O530 G (alterr)
- Solaris Urbino 12/18 (alterr)
(Others should work but are not officially supported)
Supported Currencies:
To uses this app you also need a plugin for OMSI 2 which you can download at the mentioned website (red button).
In case of trouble or questions, you can contact me via email.
Errors can be reported at https://github.com/gcWorld/IBIScontrol-Bugs/issues
I'm currently looking for people to translate the app to the following languages: Polish, French, Portuguese
If you are interested you can contribute here: http://gcmods.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/project?id=66436
IBIScontrol untuk Android memungkinkan untuk mengontrol IBIS, meja kas dan printer tiket di OMSI 2 (oleh Aerosoft) pada smartphone atau tablet.
-Kasir tunai
-Dashboard dengan kecepatan, kontrol pintu, kontrol untuk lampu, suhu, halte berikutnya, berhenti permintaan dll
peta didukung:
bus didukung:
- Semua bus standar
- O520 (alterr)
- O530 (alterr)
- O530 G (alterr)
- Solaris Urbino 12/18 (alterr)
(Lainnya harus bekerja tapi tidak secara resmi didukung)
Mata Uang yang didukung:
Untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini Anda juga membutuhkan plugin untuk OMSI 2 yang dapat anda download di website disebutkan (tombol merah).
Dalam kasus masalah atau pertanyaan, Anda dapat menghubungi saya melalui email.
Kesalahan dapat dilaporkan di https://github.com/gcWorld/IBIScontrol-Bugs/issues
Saat ini saya mencari orang untuk menerjemahkan aplikasi untuk bahasa-bahasa berikut: Polandia, Perancis, Portugis
Jika Anda tertarik Anda dapat berkontribusi di sini: http://gcmods.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/project?id=66436
IBIScontrol for Android makes it possible to control IBIS, cash desk and ticket printer in OMSI 2 (by Aerosoft) on your smartphone or tablet.
-Dashboard with speed, door control, control for lights, temperature, next stop, stop request etc.
Supported maps:
Supported busses:
- All default busses
- O520 (alterr)
- O530 (alterr)
- O530 G (alterr)
- Solaris Urbino 12/18 (alterr)
(Others should work but are not officially supported)
Supported Currencies:
To uses this app you also need a plugin for OMSI 2 which you can download at the mentioned website (red button).
In case of trouble or questions, you can contact me via email.
Errors can be reported at https://github.com/gcWorld/IBIScontrol-Bugs/issues
I'm currently looking for people to translate the app to the following languages: Polish, French, Portuguese
If you are interested you can contribute here: http://gcmods.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/project?id=66436